Monday, November 16, 2015

Children Keep 'em Active

A physically healthy child is a happy one. The most important role model is...You! Early childhood between the ages of 3-6, children are most impressionable exceptive to change and new surroundings. Suggest going to a sponsored sporting event specifically exclusive for children. Local organizations host seasons, week, or month long events devoted to sporting activities.

Neighboring independent studios and classes can be cost effective. Sign them up for a free month at a local gym or sporting center. This month will allow time for your child to decide if this is fun and exciting. If not move on to the next activity. These events or classes ensure not only a physically active child, but socially active. Learning social skills early in life will most likely result in intelligence and involvement in positive club and community events.

Avoid too much television and smart devices as it will cause more of a reclusive or shell behavior. In result, when introduced in a social situation may cause early on anxiety and depression. Later on the ability to develop a personality becomes difficult. Responding to conversations, communicating needs, and resolving conflicts will be associated as negative attention hindering problem solving skills. In conclusion, keep our children physically and socially active. Not just for you and your child's benefit, but the future of leadership.